
Hi everyone!

It's turning to Spring in Tokyo so it's almost time to go drink under the cherry trees. Also letting you know that we have three shows coming up this month.

03/11 is our first show at Live Haus in ShimoKitazawa so we are stoked for that. The live house told us that we can put anyone on the discount ticket list. If you are coming, send us a message at it is only 1000¥.

03/13 is a special AEP with the amazing Mekare Kare for our friend Luci from Germany. He is in Japan hanging out so come to Akihabara and hangout. Gonna be fun!

03/29 is a show with Kanaband who you have to check out. Electro, dance, cyber, indie weirdness. We love them so we are looking forward to this show!

( ^ . ^ ) \m/

1000s of catsの三月のライブスケジュール (March Schedule)

  • 2024-03-11 (月/Mon) @ 下北沢 Live Haus w/ nozzle, sadsummer, シングルマン, 田山ショーゴ info]
  • 2024-03-13 (水/Wed) @ 秋葉原 スタジオグッドマン w/ Mekare Kare [info]
  • 2024-03-29 (金/Fri) @ 渋谷 Lush w/ Kanaband, 鈴木隆人 [info]

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